Friday, November 15, 2013

Arrow vs. Cannon vs. Magic Towers

My personal preference for towers is to go with the arrow towers to attack another players' heroes.  My troops can deal with their troops for the most part.  So my focus is to attack and kill another player's heroes.  To that end, I try to fill the garrisons of all of my towers.

Why not cannon towers?  I used to have them.  I did not like the speed of fire and did not like how all flying troops are immune to them.  So, my cannon would be firing useless and be easily destroyed.

Why not magic towers?  I used to have them.  The damage is just too minimal to be useful in my opinion.

When I'm looking for places to raid, I love seeing cannon and magic towers, because I know they are survivable.  By contrast, when I see arrow towers I worry about how many heroes I will lose before I can get to them.

To borrow a sports analogy:  Guard your opponent like you hate to be guarded yourself.

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