Sunday, March 16, 2014

Re-starting and Keeping Might Low

Sorry for the lack of posts.  I ended up starting again in the Kindle version where I was lucky enough to roll a Grizzly Reaper, Druid, and a Ninja.  I put those with my Serpent Queen and Assassin.  It's working out pretty well.

The big change is that I chose not to upgrade anything (or as little as possible).  My main upgrades are the town hall and vaults.  I also trained up some griffins to help out, but my overall setup looks pretty silly compared to others with the same might.  It seems that the hero upgrades push up my might a bunch no matter what so despite the lack of high level buildings, my might is already approaching 5k thanks to level 70 heroes.

Oh well, it's been a fun way to play.  Now with the latest update, there is a lot of free gems that come from higher might so it makes me want to upgrade a bit.  I've already started to build up a second arrow tower.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Arrival of Snowzilla

Well, over the break I got lucky and rolled a Snowzilla on a regular 500 HB roll.  When I first saw it, I thought it was just some holiday novelty character.  Then, I saw he was a Legend level character and decided to figure him out before treating him like a sacrifice.

I was initially unimpressed.  I took him out with my level 89 Druid on some raids in order to level him up, and he just kept getting killed again and again.  And, his special snowballs just whacked into all the walls rather than hitting actual good targets.  It seemed pretty lame, but I thought I could maybe use him as a tank of sorts.

Then, came the update on Dec. 19 where they increased Snowzilla's Base ATK and
made it so Snowzilla's skill will no longer be able to attack walls.  Well, those were some critical changes.  I was glad I had kept on levelling him up.

This is still in process.  He's up to level 71, and I may push him above 80 before I push my Champion who has been sitting on 80 forever over.  My Snowzilla's secondary skill is a 20% sprint which has some advantages in the arena.

Anyway, this has been my main focus aside from the Here Be Monsters feature.  I keep getting wiped out at D-5 which has proven a useful method of levelling when my dungeon options are run out.